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Climate Control Jaguar S-Type, X-Type (2002-2008) with Navigation Rebuild

  • Sale
  • Regular price $100.00


This rebuild service requires that you:

  • Verify that your climate control matches the product photo

    • Your module must be an exact match

  • Remove your climate control

  • Carefully pack and ship it to us - Instructions

  • Re-install the rebuilt climate control

Known issues that we fix:

  • One side or both sides blow only hot air.

    • Important:  Make sure to replace the hot water control valves or they will damage the newly rebuilt climate control.

What this rebuild includes:

Year/Make/Model(s) applicable:

  • 2002 Jaguar S-Type

  • 2003 Jaguar S-Type

  • 2004 Jaguar S-Type

  • 2005 Jaguar S-Type

  • 2006 Jaguar S-Type

  • 2007 Jaguar S-Type

  • 2008 Jaguar S-Type

  • 2002 Jaguar X-Type

  • 2003 Jaguar X-Type

  • 2004 Jaguar X-Type

  • 2005 Jaguar X-Type

  • 2006 Jaguar X-Type

  • 2007 Jaguar X-Type

  • 2008 Jaguar X-Type

  • Others may apply

Part Number(s) applicable:

  • 2R8H-18C612-CD

  • 2R8H-18C612-CE

  • 2R8H-18C612-CF

  • 6R83-18C612-CA

  • 6R83-18C612-CB

  • Others may apply

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
John Oswell
Fast and efficient service

48hr turnround and my 2005 Jaguar S Type R now has heating and cooling. Great service and no problems with doing business cross border.

Jag Type S Climate Control Module

We have now sent two Jag Type S Climate control modules in for repair. We received module back and their repair to the module was a success. We have been using Module Masters for years now (multiple European modules). They are very easy to work with with a quick turn around time. We appreciate doing business with a company like Modul Master.

Bob Weisickle
Jaguar S Type Climate Control Module

Can't give Module Master's enough praise for the quick turn-around and thorough repair of the module. They included a description of what parts needed to be repaired which provided confidence that the unit was tested and confirmed functional. It arrived as promised and restored the AC as expected. I have another module that I plan to send to them for the same service.

Paul Muir
Jaguar S Type Climate Control Module Repair

Excellent service with quick turnaround time. We were preparing a car to be at a memorial service with a short delivery time and a holiday weekend and Module Master delivered on all promises!

Umar Mukhetdinov
Climate control module repair

The repair worked well, my AC is finally working again. Thank you module master for fast and professional work.

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