We have changed our listing for the Ate MK60E due to supply shortage. Please check the listing for compatible vehicles before purchasing. If you have any questions please call, chat, or email.

How to Pack and Ship your Module to us for repair.

Please read the general instructions directly below and then jump to specific shipping instructions for your item further down the page. The shipping you pay for during check out is for us to ship the item back to you. You will ship the item to us at your cost.

We do ship internationally! When purchasing your rebuild service international shipping options will be displayed. 

Ship your items to us to be rebuilt at:

Module Master
2006 S Main St
Moscow, ID 83843

What packing materials do you recommend?

      • Please Use:
        • Sturdy Cardboard Box - Please use a sturdy cardboard box large enough to allow for at least 2" inches of clearance all around your module or cluster.
        • Bubble Wrap - Wrap your cluster/module in 2-3 layers of this. We re-use some clean bubble wrap to ship smaller items and give the rest to local businesses to use for their shipping needs.
        • Packing Peanuts - Fill the box around your clusters/module to prevent items from bouncing around box during transit. We give clean packing peanuts to local businesses to use for their shipping needs.
        • Plastic Bag (optional)-  While not needed for everything shipped to us, this is highly recommended for any modules with hydraulic units to keep any debris from getting into brake line ports. 
        • Box inside a box (optional)- This is only recommended if the item you are shipping needs extra protection, is easily broken, or not easily replaced. 
        • Clean Brown Paper - We give clean brown paper to local businesses to use for their shipping needs and recycle the rest.
      • Please DO NOT Use:
        • Air Pouches - Worst option! Especially with heavy items, they deflate and become useless.
        • Envelope Mailer/Bubble Pouch - Not Reliable! These do not provide the same protection as a box. We like boxes.
        • Shredded Paper - Noooooo! This is messy and gets inside everything. 
        • Styrofoam - Nope! This stuff breaks up easily and sticks to everything it touches.
        • Nothing But Air - No No No! This happens more often than you think. You are tempting fate using a box with no padding to protect your item.
        • Garbage - Uh, GROSS! This happens a lot. We shouldn't have to ask....please, just don't.

 How to Ship an ABS with Pump and Motor

      • Note: Please block all hydraulic brake ports with proper plugs or tape and wrap the entire module in a plastic bag. Module Master is no longer responsible for hydraulic units that fail due to debris getting inside; this happens when brake line ports are not properly plugged and the module is not wrapped in a plastic bag before shipping to us.
      • DO NOT USE plastic wrap, earplugs, or paper towels to plug the holes as brake fluid can cause the material to break down and get inside the hydraulic unit.
      • Place a copy of your invoice/receipt, any contact info, and other information inside a separate bag to keep any brake fluid from making it illegible. Please do not write any info on the outside of the box, under the packing label, or on the outside of the packing materials as we may not see it. 
      • Please use the general instructions at the top of the page to choose your packing materials. 

 How to Ship an ABS without Pump and Motor

      • Secure any loose solenoids (round cylinder shaped parts on underside of module) with a piece of cardboard and rubber band/tape to prevent them form detaching from the module during shipment. (this especially applies to 5.3, 5.4, 4.7, 8.0, 8.1 modules as the solenoids can actually break away and are challenging to fix)
      • Any prongs need to be protected during shipment; foam square, folded cardboard, bubble wrap, etc. can be used.
      • Place a copy of your invoice/receipt, any contact info, and other information inside a separate bag to keep any brake fluid from making it illegible. Please do not write any info on the outside of the box, under the packing label, or on the outside of the packing materials as we may not see it. 
      • Please use the general instructions at the top of the page to choose your packing materials. 

 How to Ship Climate Controls

      • Certain climate controls (Toyota Highlander and Ford EATC) are more prone to damage during shipment than other so please package carefully.
      • Place a copy of your invoice/receipt, any contact info, and other information inside a separate bag to keep any brake fluid from making it illegible. Please do not write any info on the outside of the box, under the packing label, or on the outside of the packing materials as we may not see it. 
      • Please use the general instructions at the top of the page to choose your packing materials. 

How to Ship Instrument Clusters

      • Clusters can be fragile and prone to damage so please package carefully.
      • Make sure any trip knobs are protected or depressed to prevent damage.
      • PRNDL cables left attached can also break during shipment. These can usually be removed and we advise doing so before shipping your cluster as we are unable to repair these and have limited replacements on hand. 
      • Place a copy of your invoice/receipt, any contact info, and other information inside a separate bag to keep any brake fluid from making it illegible. Please do not write any info on the outside of the box, under the packing label, or on the outside of the packing materials as we may not see it. 
      • Please use the general instructions at the top of the page to choose your packing materials. 

How to Ship Engine Control/Transmission Control/Other Modules

      • Package carefully to prevent damage to connectors and/or 'legs" (Audi CVT module has "legs)
      • Place a copy of your invoice/receipt, any contact info, and other information inside a separate bag to keep any brake fluid from making it illegible. Please do not write any info on the outside of the box, under the packing label, or on the outside of the packing materials as we may not see it. 
      • Please use the general instructions at the top of the page to choose your packing materials. 

How to Ship Cruise Control/Clocks/Compasses/Idle Controllers/Small Items/Etc.

      • While small and light these can still be damaged in shipping. Please don't remove housings as this causes issues for testing and shipping. The housing provides protection to delicate internal electronics. 
      • Place a copy of your invoice/receipt, any contact info, and other information inside a separate bag to keep any brake fluid from making it illegible. Please do not write any info on the outside of the box, under the packing label, or on the outside of the packing materials as we may not see it. 
      • Please use the general instructions at the top of the page to choose your packing materials. 


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