We have changed our listing for the Ate MK60E due to supply shortage. Please check the listing for compatible vehicles before purchasing. If you have any questions please call, chat, or email.


Browse some of our most popular questions below.  If you can't find what you need, just ask us.

Ask Us

General Questions

Does Module Master buy or sell ABS Module Cores?
My auto repair shop replaced my module with a new one. Can I sell my old core to Module Master?
We are an auto shop. Do you offer discounts for repeat customers?
Various Module Master rebuilds range from 2-5 days; a lot of other rebuilders say 24 hour turnaround time. What gives?
I followed a DIY Video/my friend tried to fix my unit/I sent my item to a cheap rebuilder and it is still not working. Can I still send it to you for a rebuild?
My item was damaged when I removed it or during shipping to you; how does this affect the rebuild?
How reliable is a rebuilt module?
Can I drive my car after removing the defective modules?
I shipped my item to you without placing an order either online or over the phone. Now I'm wondering where it is?

Warranty Questions

Does Module Master offer a warranty?
When does my 5 year warranty start?
The item I just had rebuilt is not working; what do I do?
I am the original purchaser but my item is out of the 5 year warranty; what do I do now?
Do you cover return shipping for Warranties?
Why does it take so long to get my module fixed under warranty?
Module Master just called and said my module sent in under warranty is now bad; why did I have to send it back just to be told it is bad and what are my options?
I just bought a module off eBay from a random seller and it doesn't work; can I still get it fixed under your warranty?

Shipping Questions

How should I pack and ship my module?
Do you ship internationally?
Can I purchase shipping insurance?
I shipped my "priceless" item to you and it only cost me ABC, but it cost XYZ to ship it back to me. Why are you charging so much for shipping?
Shipping is expensive; can I remove the faceplate from my cluster to save money?

Module Specific Questions

What are the common symptoms of a bad ABS Control Module (EBCM)?
Where is the ABS Module located in my vehicle?
The dealer said I need to replace the ABS pump/manifold with the EBCM (electronic brake control module). Is this true?
How do I know if my ABS module is bad, and not just something like a dirty wheel sensor?
When braking normally, my ABS module comes on unexpectedly and my stopping distance is increased. Is my ABS module bad?
Why is my ABS pump motor running when the ignition is off?
Do I need to remove brake lines in order to remove my EBCM (electronic braking control modules)
How do I bleed my ABSIV (iABS2)? Can i just do it manually like a car?
Can I put a used replacement control module for ABSIV (iABS2) in my bike?
Can Module Master re-program my ECU?
I used a chip or performance tune for my ECU and now it doesn't work anymore. Can you fix it?
Can you test my ECU/ECM (Engine Control Unit/Engine Control Module)?
I just have my ABS module rebuilt and the brake pedal vibrates when coming to a stop or at slow speeds. What causes that?
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