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Climate Control Jaguar S-Type (2000-2002) Rebuild

  • Sale
  • Regular price $100.00


This rebuild service requires that you:

  • Verify that your climate control matches the product photo

  • Remove your climate control

  • Carefully pack and ship it to us - Instructions

  • We rebuild it and ship it back to you

  • Re-install your module

Known issues that we fix:

  • One side or both sides blow only hot air.

    • Important:  Make sure to replace the hot water control valves or they will damage the newly rebuilt climate control.

What this rebuild includes:

Year/Make/Model(s) applicable:

  • 2000 Jaguar S-Type

  • 2001 Jaguar S-Type

  • 2002 Jaguar S-Type

  • Others may apply

Part Number(s) applicable:

  • XR8H-18C612AK

  • XR8H-18C612-AN

  • XR8H-18C612-AL

  • XR8H-18C612-AP

  • XR8H-18C612-AH

  • Others may apply

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
great job

they were very good recomend to all thanks

Donald Miller
One week since I installed and still working correctly

Fast service, turned it around in a day.

When I tested the module with the car apart it did not close the heat valves. However when I put it back together it all worked. I believe the module is designed to keep the valves open until coolant warms. So don't be fooled by the failure to close the heat valves with the car disassembled:)

This makes sense, the valves are near the bottom of the radiator, they probably stay open on cold engine to prevent air lock in the cooling system.

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