ON HOLD - If the listing says ON HOLD March 10th-21st it is due to our tech being on vacation. We will take modules in before and after these dates. NOT DURING.

Kelsey-Hayes 310 ABS Module

  • Sale
  • Regular price $0.00

Not Repairable

We are unable to rebuild this module. Please see our troubleshooting guides below.

  1. Ground Connection: It is highly recommended that you remove and clean both grounds and clear error codes from the module. If the error codes return after driving the vehicle, then the problem is most likely in the module. Please reference the following diagnostic guides:
    Download Ground Connection Diagnostic Guide
    Download Speed Sensor Diagnostic Guide

  2. Motor Test: If you have an open pump motor or pump B+ fault, check your motor for an open circuit condition. If the ABS has not been used for a significant time, the brushes in the motor can stick in their holders. Apply 12 volts directly to the motor and gently tap on the motor's housing with a mallet or screwdriver handle. In most cases, this will bring the motor back to life. Allow the motor to run for about a minute to free up the brushes

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