We have changed our listing for the Ate MK60E due to supply shortage. Please check the listing for compatible vehicles before purchasing. If you have any questions please call, chat, or email.

How to Remove your Module or Instrument Cluster

We are in the process of adding more removal instructions. Just look for the "wrench icon" on each module rebuild page. If you don’t see removal instructions, you can pick up a vehicle service manual from most auto parts stores or your local library.

Not a DIY’er?

No problem. Just tell your mechanic you’d like your defective module shipped to Module Master for repair. If your mechanic isn’t willing to honor your request, ask if you can have the bad module removed, then ship it to us yourself. When you get your repaired module back, simply set up another appointment to have it reinstalled. In most cases, re-installation is plug-and-play with no reprogramming necessary.

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